Civic Center, 2 Park Street
Potsdam, NY 13676
(315) 265-6910

Sandstone Interactive Map

The  Sandstone Interactive Map  is an interactive map of the North Country, which showcases existing sandstone buildings, lost sandstone buildings, quarries, dams, bridges, sidewalks, foundations, and unique uses.

Each entry on the map includes, (if known), a digital representation-picture(s), a description including date of construction, architect, builder, quarry of origin, method of construction, ownership history, and vintage images.

The goal of the project is to show the impact that the sandstone industry had in the Potsdam areas local economy, and the sheer volume of sandstone that was quarried in the area.

Buildings listed on the National Registry are noted.

We are currently adding and updating historical facts known about each structure.

This map was inspired by John Bridges and is an open-source software program written by Zach Shepherd, financed by a gift from Mary English and the Friends of the Museum, supported by the Museum Board of Trustees, implemented by Bill and Lizette Hanel at WebMarketingWorx and  coordinated by museum director, Mimi Van Deusen.

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