Civic Center, 2 Park Street
Potsdam, NY 13676
(315) 265-6910

On that subject...


Former staff member, Fred Rollins (1949-2019) of... MORE

We are now open the second Saturday of the month... MORE

We are open this Saturday December 10th from 10... MORE

PAUL MEYERS IN CONCERT Sunday December 4th... MORE

The Raquette River: Past Present and... MORE

Sunday Oct 2 at 2PM Bayside Cemetery... MORE

Pictured here is Rachael Greenblatt, Brandeis... MORE

The staff recently visited the Adirondack... MORE

The basement of the museum is now an asbestos... MORE

Bill Lewis, Potsdam High School's Boys Track... MORE

Dwight Church (1891-1974),  Mr. Church was... MORE

2022 Summer Exhibit: The Raquette River: Past,... MORE

   In the cold December of 1874,... MORE

Jack (John) Hantz (1924-1986) was well known for... MORE

Civil War Roundtable Event Any interest in... MORE

Phillip White-Cree, Instructor of History and... MORE

100 Years ago the CLARKSON HOCKEY TEAM... MORE

Carribean Dolls from the Dee Little Collection... MORE

'Dolls from around the World' are now on display... MORE

'Dolls from around the World' are now on display... MORE

It's National Native American Heritage Month and... MORE

Sunday October 17th at 2PM The Interim... MORE

There will be a FREE event on Saturday July 24th... MORE

Rolex Replica Watches  Potsdam Public... MORE

Potsdam-Mayor Reinhold Tischler announced today... MORE

We have re-opened our doors Tuesdays, Wednesdays... MORE

We have re-opened our doors Tuesdays, Wednesdays... MORE

Harry Paige, 1922-2003 In 1956 Harry... MORE

Deer Hunting in the North Country has always been... MORE

Emilie V. Clarkson married William A. Moore,... MORE

Nightmare on Elm Street is a film written and... MORE

Old Snell is getting a facelift and more! Crews... MORE

Ives Park sunset looking south. For many years... MORE

The Museum Association of New York has a helpful... MORE

Spring on the Raquette River in Ives Park!... MORE

Spring in Ives Park on the Raquette River!... MORE

St. Lawrence County has 101 COVID cases with 1... MORE

 We are CLOSED to the public until further... MORE

Mimi Van Desuen is stepping down after a decade... MORE

Northern Music & Video bag, Thanks for the... MORE

Radmila Zuman was born in Prauge, Czechoslovakia.... MORE

POTSDAM — Alfred H. (Fred) Rollins, 70,... MORE

Can You Hear Me Now: A History of... MORE

NEW EXHIBIT at the museum: TECHNOLOGY, curated by... MORE

130 years ago .... A circus train derailed just... MORE

1889 Aug 22nd the Barnum and Baily Circus train... MORE

SUNY Potsdam Archeology summer camp students... MORE

Students from Cape Vincent and Clayton who belong... MORE

While conducting inventory the museum staff... MORE


This map of Lower Canada, c. 1804 was recently... MORE

SUNY Potsdam Students utilize archives!replique... MORE

Recently the museum director, Mimi Van Deusen and... MORE

1800s letters used by SUNY Potsdam students... MORE

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Second graders from Colton-Pierrepont School... MORE

On Sunday, Oct 14, 3pm, the Potsdam Museum... MORE

Shown above: Dan Court, Sophia Court, Alison... MORE

Red  Grandy grew up in Russell and became a... MORE


Paul Meyers Trio, World on a String, will be... MORE

China - Land of Silk and Dragons - Upcoming... MORE

AXEL FAIR-SCHULZ, Associate Professor of History... MORE

Hallie Bond and her daughter Maggie Smith inspect... MORE

Swiss Replica Watches Joanna Hickey took... MORE

The window shade project is nearing... MORE

Above the film crew and volunteer (right)... MORE

Valentine from Thomas Hickey to Johanna Joy... MORE

The Northern New York Community Foundation's... MORE

Mrs. Livernoise' 4th grade class from LAES visit... MORE

Holiday Open House !Sunday Dec 3rd... MORE

Bayard D. Clarkson Sr. MD recently visited the... MORE

Tracing your family back to Potsdam? We can... MORE

Potsdam High school Team Jacket!Loaned to the... MORE

The History of Clarkson University and the... MORE

Potsdam Museum to host Hands on History for Kids!... MORE

WW I  Gas Mask (U.S.) brought back from... MORE

 CHILDREN'S PROGRAM - Music and Puppets at... MORE

Cabin Fever Concert Series: Saturday March 11 at... MORE

Paul Meyers, Guitar ... MORE

Saturday, Feb 25  from 4 to 6 PM Rob... MORE

      ... MORE

Jan Wojcik will give a presentation on the Civil... MORE

The Museum will be OPEN Friday and Saturday, 10... MORE

Please join us for some holiday cheer! Jazz... MORE

Audemars Piguet Replica Northbound - A music... MORE

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Politics as usual? On display are National, State... MORE

A guided tour of Herring-Cole Hall at St.... MORE

Faye and Paul Jeser have recently given the... MORE

The Public is invited to a reception Thursday Aug... MORE

replique montre

Learn to weave at Ives Park during the Potsdam... MORE

'Milestones in the history of SUNY Potsdam' will... MORE

Co-author of " State University of New York at... MORE

Catie Dominy, SUNY Potsdam, class of 2016 is... MORE

SATURDAY MAY 14  Two tour times:AT 10 AM... MORE

HANKA'S TATTOO is a story about a Holocaust... MORE

Dr. Jim Carl will present a lecture on... MORE

Born on Long Island, Mary Ann started playing... MORE

The Early History of SUNY Potsdam will be the... MORE

SATURDAY FEB 20th from 11 AM to 2 PMBring Your... MORE

Potsdam- “SKIN and INK” an exhibition about... MORE

Children make an angel ornament aspart of the... MORE

Market Street, Morgan's Mens store.See - we did... MORE

NORTHBOUND, a local band that includes Michael... MORE

The public is cordially invited to the Holiday... MORE

RUTH GARNER turns 100 on Nov 18th. Pictured here,... MORE

Volunteer Hayden Trejos was the official tour... MORE

Presented by Walter Nobile on Thursday Oct 15 at... MORE

Title:replica tassen Boating on the Raquette... MORE


Parker Bros. Coffee Lab recently opened at 1/2... MORE

Potsdam Anthropology Professor Dr. Tim Messner is... MORE

Annual Review 1921This view of the East Bridge... MORE

How's your family tree grow? Want to discover... MORE

rolexforsale.mePotsdam - The Potsdam Public... MORE

BRIDGE WORK...THEN!Iron Bridges,... MORE

Potsdam Public Museum Curator, Mimi Van Deusen... MORE

The Friends of the Potsdam Museum Present:... MORE

Wednesday, March 11th, Curator Mimi Van Deusen... MORE

An oral history interview with Beverly Washburn... MORE

President Lincoln had a spiritual advisor. His... MORE

Ruth Garner was amoung seven individuals to... MORE

The 2014 Holiday Season at the Potsdam... MORE

PORTRAITS of Potsdam People:Portrait photographer... MORE

The above picture shows the group at the County... MORE

Emilie Vallete Clarkson was born in Potsdam in... MORE

Sunday October 19th from 2-3 PM, a new... MORE



STEP RIGHT UP!Come see the Greatest Toy Show in... MORE

"The Trains and Trolleys of St. Lawrence County"... MORE

In 1976 the Antique Car Show was in front of Old... MORE

The Friends large event tents of the Potsdam... MORE

The Friends of the Potsdam Museum invite the... MORE

The Annual  meeting of the Friends of the... MORE

Louis White of Potsdam was born in 1923 and... MORE

Story about Louis  White, 1923-2011, as told... MORE

The Friends of the replica swiss watches Potsdam... MORE

This image shows the boiling of Maple sap from... MORE

The Potsdam Public Museum is very pleased to... MORE

Mimi Van Deusen, historian for the Town and... MORE

Ada Larkin Powers Victorian wedding dress detail:... MORE

It's-A-DillyIt's-A-Dilly was the brain child of... MORE

On Saturday January 25thLucas Hanss, a Potsdam... MORE

Toyland - A century of Fun will be on view... MORE

Over 500 school children have visited the... MORE

The exhibit kicks off with our annual Holiday... MORE

This picture was published as part of the... MORE

Clarkson University offered at tour of Old Main... MORE


appeal may be the absolutely simple watch face.... MORE

for diving after which you will find watches for... MORE

The omega replica watches may be the classic... MORE

The key towards the hublot replica watches appeal... MORE

This c. 1960’s photograph of downtown shows the... MORE

for diving after which you will find watches for... MORE

This barn loom was donated in memory of Flora... MORE

design. The 44 mm watch bracelet is within... MORE

On Sunday April 14th more than 50 enthusiastic... MORE

Members of the Crane Harp Ensemble, under the... MORE

is an extremely elegant piece which matches well... MORE

The Museum lost a real vacheron constantin... MORE

Travelling in one region to a different has... MORE

Unusual Paper Dolls!The Potsdam Antique Study... MORE

MAPLE SUGAR SEASON!This may be our earliest image... MORE

Betty Weeks (center) with friends Mary Theisen... MORE

swiss replica watchesRemembering Betty Weeks- she... MORE

The staff at the Potsdam Museum has taken great... MORE

January is collections care and inventory month... MORE

December 4 through the 13th Guided School tours... MORE

The 2012 Sandstone Festival was a great success.... MORE


Potsdam High School Mega Reunion  August 10,... MORE

Visit the museum booth at the summer festival... MORE

The Friends of the Museum annual meeting and... MORE

Dorothy Gordanier wanted the museum to have this... MORE

The Cecilie Garden is located in Lehman Park,... MORE

Area Fourth Grader teachers are encouraged to... MORE

This Tri-corner hat is made of felted beaver and... MORE

Museum intern, Courtney Doyle, who will be... MORE

This image taken round 1895 shows a group of... MORE

SPINNING DEMONSTRATION- On Saturday, Feb 18 from... MORE

Brought to light during the January inventory of... MORE

Sunday- January 29 at 2pmcopia orologi rolexThe... MORE

The museum has been conducting inventory this... MORE

On a snowy January morning a group of volunteers... MORE

Members of Clarkson's Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity... MORE

Louis White (1923-2011) was a long time resident... MORE

Twenty-five members replika klockor of the... MORE

In 1940, Frank and Harriet Burnapdonated a omega... MORE

The Friends of the Museum, funded a trip for the... MORE

On a warm August night in 1889, Barnum and Bailey... MORE

        ... MORE

POTSDAM SUMMER FESTIVAL !Many thanks to all the... MORE

THE COVER-UP: Coverlets, Looms and Spinning... MORE

The public is invited to attend the annual... MORE

This image was taken on the Racquette River near... MORE


THURSDAY MAY 5TH7 PMNorth Country Heritage... MORE

FRIENDSHIP QUILTc. 1880-90Diamond PatternMade by... MORE

Dorothy Gordanier who reached 100 years of age in... MORE

ICE COLD POTSDAM- A history of Ice Skating, Ice... MORE

ADIRONDACK ICE: Slide show and Book Signing by... MORE

William Beebe, local artist will feature RECENT... MORE

On Saturday February 12, 2011 Peter Dart of... MORE

Potsdam High School Jazz Band with director... MORE

For the young and the young at heart, there is a... MORE

Wednesday,rolex replica watches September... MORE

Monday, July 6, 2015

Walter Nobile will present Dante's Canto One, the Beginning of Hell, from THE DIVINE COMEDY on Wednesday, July 8th, at 7 p.m. at the Potsdam Museum.  Professor Nobile holds a Doctorate in Humanities from the University of Salerno, Italy.  He has taught Italian language and literature at the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Oregon, and the University of Chicago.  He is translating into English some of his favorite cantos.

The 1st canto of The Divine Comedy is the introduction to the entire work.  In it,  Dante, as a fictitious character, shows his intention to undertake the arduous voyage required  for purification from sinfulness.  Great obstacles block his going forward when the Latin poet Virgil, who will guide him through the world of sin, appears and later entrusts him to Beatrice, the blessed soul who will lead him into the realm of beatitude.